August 2022
Life passes most people by while they are making grand plans for it.
George Jung
I had grand plans for July. I was planning to go camping and hiking trails every weekend. But the endless work at my paying-job happened and I did not have the flexibility, energy, or time to play. Usually, I manage to go paddle boarding, hiking, swimming, and sightseeing in July but this year, I barely made it to the mountains once or twice.
A break would have been nice so I could plunge into planning out the events for Platform in the upcoming year. But all the planning don’t mount to anything sometimes. In fact, in the midst of constant planning, I really could not enjoy the present, the precious moments in the busyness that allows me to get up the following morning.
Because of my exhaustion, I requested for and will be on vacation this upcoming week and for the first time, I don’t have a list of activities that I would like to do. All I know is that I will not be getting up first thing in the morning to check my work email. Instead I will check the weather to see where and what I can do so I am not in the middle of a heat stroke.
In the midst of play, I intend to think about the events for upcoming year at Platform. Yes, I have not forgotten Platform. How can I? It is the organization that will bring out real transformation in our communities one leader at a time. We will definitely have an adult program probably in the Fall and Spring. And we will definitely have a youth summer program. What/how/who/when? All the planning will not happen until I had the opportunity to rejuvenate my body. With a knee injury and pain in my back as a result, I will have to heal before I miss my life in all the planning. Oh, the life of a director. It seems all so endless.
Samantha Joo
CEO and Founder
August 1, 2022