Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
James Baldwin
Summer is essentially over and well, fall is at the doorsteps, gently knocking at nature’s door. I love the Fall season. If I did not work at an academic institution, I would travel in September and October because these two months are probably the most beautiful time. It is the period when trees prepare for winter as leaves start to change color, the last batch of vegetables give their imperfect fruit, and flowers share their last bloom. There is so much movement from here to what will be. I am personally not a fan of change but this preparation for the future is aligned with my deliberative personality.
Fall is also the season when we at Platform start our programs. It is a busy time of putting the final touches on our programs and start marketing. While I hate marketing, I do love the thought of new possibilities. Of course, nothing is usually close to what I can imagine but sometimes, I am surprised. Yes, surprises can be both good and bad and in my seasoned life, I am flexible to receive both.
Do I expect many womxn and youth to sign up for our programs? Yes and no. I realize the fickle nature of marketing so there is a possibility that we may not get enough people to sign up but there is always this optimistic side of me in which I believe that too many will register. Where do I get this conflicting feeling? Perhaps it’s because I believe that we have a phenomenal program, one in which participants can flourish, if they are able to commit. But timing is important. People may just not be ready for such an extensive program.
Whatever happens, whether we will need to cancel our programs to the possibility that we will have to turn people away, I am open to everything. This does not mean that I will be happy if I have to cancel these wonderful programs but I cannot insist on or persist in something that people do not want. I am okay with that.
When I was younger, I killed myself to get A, B, and C done, to make sure I succeed. But I will be honest, after working so hard for so long, I am capable of letting go, if need be. As some of my close friends noted, I sound exhausted, perhaps even burned out. Yes, I am tired but not yet burned out. I am being realistic about my expectations after having run Platform for 4 years. It is definitely not for the weak-hearted to start their own nonprofit. I have tried and God knows, I will try harder. But if it does not unfold as I want, I come to it next season.
It is failing, failing, failing, and failing but getting up the strength to start anew by reinventing. It is exhausting but nothing can or will change if we stay down.
To another season of beauty all around us - let us enjoy all that nature offers while we plunge for another round of programs.
Samantha Joo
CEO and Founder
August 31, 2021