Spring Project

  • Engage participants of Activism@Work beyond the workshop to further explore topics in leadership and learn about volunteer opportunities in their communities. Time and space dedicated to building up future facilitators:

    • Dive more deeply into topics covered by Activism@Work

    • Initiate and develop projects that benefit our communities

    • Publish stories via blogs, podcast, and artworks

    • Explore volunteer opportunities

Facilitators Training

  • Develop youth to become trauma-informed facilitators for Activism@Work. This is a 4-session zoom training that:

    • Underline specific roles of the players

    • Explore the universal design of the workshop

    • Examine trauma triggers and appropriate responses

    • Team dynamics and self-worth 

    • Highlight the main ideas of topics outlined in Activism@Work

    • Brainstorm creative activities for Activism@Work


  • Grow youth (ages 13-19) into self and community-aware leaders who advocate for their communities. The 4 4-hour sessions on Saturdays in September explore the following topics:

    • Introduction to Leadership - Who is a leader?

    • Owning Our Identities - Self-Esteem Redefined

    • Coming into Our Passions - Purpose Redefined

    • Reformulating Our Expectations - Vision Redefined

    • Leaning into Our Strengths - Gifts Redefined

    • Evaluating Our Narratives - Values Redefined

    • Challenging Our Faith - Hope Redefined

    • Conclusion to Workshop - What makes a leader?

Leaders playing yut nori, a Korean game, at a holiday party.

“To be myself”

“To believe in myself and about my values”

“I think the discussion that helped me the most was the one about Grit, developing a presence, and my values. Before this program, I really had no idea what my values were. This helped me figure them out, as it forced me to stop and think about it, as well as get inside information about other’s values. I learn how important grit can be, especially as a leader. For developing a presence, it taught me how important it is to listen; to truly listen, and how much that can impact someone.”